Why Study in Türkiye? | ABC Future

Why Study in Türkiye?

  • 31/05/2021 11:06


In Turkey, the growing universities, research centers, and increasing number academicians together with the size of internationalization are making a change in the higher education field. In the last decade, the number of international students studying in Turkey has increased by 75%, according to current figures Turkey hosts 224 thousand international students, thus becoming one of the most international student host countries. Turkey aims to increase this number up to 300 thousand students by 2023.

Higher education in Turkey consists of High schools, bachelor, master, doctoral programs, faculties, institutes, including vocational schools and conservatories consisting of private and state universities. The universities in Turkey are 206 of them are governments universities and 129 of them are state universities. According to 2018 data, the number of students studying in these universities is approximately 7.5 million, in which 150 thousand of them are international students from 195 countries.

 As a part of the Bologna Process, all students can continue their education in other countries and their diplomas will be recognized by other countries thanks to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which is applied in Turkish universities since 2001.




1 - High Standard Of Education

The Turkish higher education system has matured and developed greatly in the last few years. The quality of teaching materials and academic staff have increased at the Turkish universities and now offer a colorful choice of programs for international students.

2- Internationally Recognized Diploma

Turkey has been a part of the Bologna Process since 2001 and also is a member of several different international educational platforms. This means that all international students are able to pursue their education in ECTS program (European Credit Transfer System) and also other Non-European countries; thus, makes your diploma internationally recognized.

3- A Friendly Environment With Cultural Diversity 

Turkey offers international students a plothera of cultural and religious diversities. The people in Turkey are hospitable. The food and lifestyle varieties are abundant; Turkey brings people together more than many places in the world. Let’s not forget that Turkey is the binding country that glues the east witht he west.

4- Highly Affordable Education and Living

Along with high quality education, one of the most significant attribute to getting higher education in Turkey is the cost of education and living. Turkey houses some of the most elite and competitive universities and colleges that rival European adn American ones at  a fraction of the cost. Turkey offers significantly lower annual tuition fees and lower living expenses than any other country in the world witht he same offerings. According to Mercer's 2019 global ranking of the cost of living in known educational cities; Turkey's largest cities took place at the bottom of the list of most expensive cities.

5- Modern Universities With Excellent Facilities

Turkey is no stranger to technological advancements and their universities are not either. Turkish universities are modern, well architected, technologically advanced, and offer all the luxuries and amenities world class universities offer; this includes modern world class libraries, laboratories, research centers, collaboration centers, and many more. Turkey has a huge network of ATMs, shopping centers, sports facilities, dormitories, activity clubs, hairdressers, and stationery.

6- Turkey Is The Gate To Your Dream Job

With Turkey’s developing and rapidly growing economy, it is targeting to become one of the world's leading economies. The number of people and world class companies  investing or doing business in Turkey is increasing yearly. Hundreds of international organizations, exhibitions, and conferences are conducted in Turkey. Therefore, you will have a significant chance to obtain the job of your dreams right there in Turkey. Turkey is a country with plenty of opportunities for new graduates.

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