About Türkiye | ABC Future

About Türkiye

  • 31/05/2021 12:36
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With a great location at the intersection of Europe and Asia, Turkey has a unique natural beauty and history with its cultural fabrics. Anatolia was home to many great civilizations and nations from the beginning of human history until today. This ancient, deep, and rich culture is what makes Turkish culture the attraction of today’s modern civilization. Due to the geographical location that unites the continents of Europe and Asia, the Turkish culture continues to evolve with the influence of these civilizations. The effects of these cultures are reflected in Turkish cuisine and social life. Experiencing a combination of traditional and modern life at the same time is one the finest examples of Turkey’s wonders today. International students will gain a new insightful perspective to a culture that will remain with them for many years to come; this will be reflected during their educational period as well as their social life and workplaces. Turkey has a population exceeding 80 million with many different ethnic groups able to express their thoughts and beliefs freely.


In recent years, Turkey has achieved significant political and social progress and economic growth; thus, becoming one of the fastest growing economy in the world and the 6th largest in Europe. It is now the world's 16th largest economy.


General Information

Official Name


Republic of Turkey






Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Largest Cities


İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Adana, Antalya, Konya, Bursa, Kayseri, Samsun, Trabzon, Erzurum, Eskişehir, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Mersin, Gaziantep



814.578 Km2

Coastal Length


8333 Km

Coastal Boundaries


Mediterranean in the South, Aegean Sea in the West and Black Sea in the North.




Neighboring Countries


Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Iraq, Armenia, Iran, Syria



Turkish Lira 1€=15.20₺ || 1$ =13.40₺ (Jan 2022)



84.680.273 (2022)

Number Of Cities



Average Life Expectancy


78 Years (Male: 75.6 Years - Female: 81 Years)

Time Zone


UTC +3

Working Hours


Weekdays in Turkey is between Monday and Friday. Most of the banks government offices and private companies are open between 08.00 and 17.00

Official Holidays


Public holidays in Turkey correspond to January 1, April 23, May 1, May 19, July 15, Aug. 30, as October 29th each year and two other religious holidays.

Health Services


In cities and major tourist destinations, there are state hospitals and high-quality public hospitals and various international private hospitals.

Communication Services


Each LTE, 5G services in Turkey and there are three GSM operators covering about % 95 of telecommunication sector (Turkcell, Vodafone and Turk Telekom). Internet access is available throughout the country.

International Area Code



Number of International Students


224.048 (2021)


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