- Universities: 0
- Dormitories: 0

Located in northeast Anatolia, Kars has numerous natural beauties and a deep history of historical civilizations. Kars stands out as one of the oldest centres of settlement in Anatolia, as the site of Urartu, Persian, Armenian, Byzantine, Seljuk, Ottoman and Russian civilizations, among others. Kars was one of the most important cities of Anatolia throughout history, standing at the crossroad of many important trade routes including the Silk Road. The city features numerous important historical structures. Visitors to Kars must see the Ani Ruins (Ani Harabeleri), which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The well-preserved, medieval-era city of Ani was once one of the region’s most important settlements, with a population of 100 thousand. The Sarıkamış Ski Centre (Sarıkamış Kayak Merkezi) is a popular destination for winter tourism. Close to the airport, the ski centre also features the third highest ski slope in the world as well as the type of “crystal snow” usually seen only in the Alps. Set along the touristic Orient Express route, Kars is notable for its geographically indicated honeys, cheeses, and the Kağızman long apple. The city is also known for its delicious goose dishes.