2023-2024 Foreign Students Tuition Fees | ABC Future

2023-2024 Foreign Students Tuition Fees

  • 15/07/2023 14:55
  • ABC Future Team
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According to paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the decision published in the Official Gazette, higher education institutions determine the tuition fees to be collected from foreign students, provided that they are not less than double the current service cost (mentioned in the cost table). Accordingly, the minimum tuition fees for some majors of interest to foreign students will be as follows:

Faculty of Medicine 82812 TL

Dentistry 29874 TL

Faculty of Pharmacy 29874 TL

Veterinary 22732 TL

Faculty of Engineering 16286 TL

Architecture, Fine Arts and Design 20502 TL

Faculties of Law, Business and Economics 12,308 TL

Faculty of Health Sciences 10940 TL

State Conservatory 45474 TL

Health Associate 8200 TL

25% off for Brothers

In addition, according to paragraph 2 of Article 3, a discount of at least 25% will be applied to tuition fees for siblings enrolled (attending) in Turkish public universities, and the discount rate will be determined by the universities, provided that it is not less than the mentioned percentage.

For the Official Gazette decision click here

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