- Universities: 0
- Dormitories: 0

With a history dating back to approximately BCE 5500, Tunceli has been a centre of population since prehistoric times. Still bearing the traces of the many civilizations that existed in Anatolia, notably the Subarians and Urartians, Tunceli welcomes visitors to a magical world filled with natural beauties, cultural sites, and legends. With its mountainous topography, the city has many rivers and valleys. Although the city is landlocked, there is plenty of water in all seasons – the Munzur and Pülümür streams have beaches comparable to the Mediterranean coast. Especially in the summer months, these beaches are quite popular with local residents. In addition to offering rafting, water skiing, paragliding and trekking, Tunceli features a ski resort. Tunceli is a treasure waiting to be discovered, with its unique culture, its nature and hot springs, and Munzur (Valley) National Park, which hosts numerous endemic plant species, as well as mountain goats that can be observed in their natural habitat.