Düzce is between Ankara and İstanbul which opens to the Black Sea via Büyük Melen valley towards the north. Düzce attracts nature lovers due to its geographical position and natural features. Its forestlands, plateaus, waterfalls, long coasts, natural caves and rafting facilities make Düzce a heaven on earth. Rich cultural diversity shows itself in cuisine culture as well. The location of Düzce is known as the homeland of Thrace people between 1200-700 BCE according to ancient authors such as Herodotus, Xenophon and Strabo. Many historical places in Düzce are the remains of Bithynia, Roman, Genoese and Ottoman empires. The Ancient Theater (Antik Tiyatro), Genoese Castle (Ceneviz Kalesi), Roman Bridge (Roma Köprüsü), aqueducts, mausoleum, mosque and civilian architecture samples from these periods consist of the city's historical fabric.