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City of Legendary Battles of Pride Çanakkale is located at the entrance of the Dardanelles, which connects the Aegean and Marmara Seas. It is a place where the leaders, commanders, warriors, artists, philosophers, explorers, and poets who are important for humanity throughout history have come across. Listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the lands where legendary war of Homer’s ILIAD, and the Dardanelles Campaign, the source of pride of the Turkish nation, are located on both sides of the Straits. Straits separating the European continent and the Asian continent (Dardanelles/Hellespont). Assos the ancient city, where philosophy was institutionalized, is an inspirational geography, home of Aeneas, the founder of the city of Rome. Çanakkale is the eternal resting place of honorable soldiers who lost their lives on the Gallipoli campaign. Gallipoli Peninsula National Park (Gelibolu Yarımadası Milli Parkı) was established to immortalize the soldiers who lost their lives in this region during the Çanakkale Campaign. National park is home to natural beauty such as Arıburnu Hills (Arıburnu Tepesi) and Tuzla Lake (Tuzla Gölü), as well as monuments, tombs, and statues. Green hills, sandy beaches, and blue waters are actual resting place of the brave soldiers who lost their lives here. Transports to Çanakkale are organized from Gallipoli, Kilitbahir, and Eceabat points by passenger ferries and car ferries. Gökçeada is located just across Çanakkale as one of Türkiye's largest islands. The hills on the island are covered by olive and pine trees and occasional monasteries. Transportation to Gökçeada is via regular ferry services from Kabatepe. Local festivals held in August gather visitors and locals to the island. When you approach Bozcaada, the first thing that draws your attention is Bozcaada Castle (Bozcaada Kalesi). Afterwards, your eyes will shift to the white houses, restaurants, and cafés on the beach. Since the island is famous for its wines, it would be a nice option to take a tour to see the vineyards. Ayazma, Poyraz, and İğdelik host sand beaches. When you arrive at the port of Çanakkale, the wooden Trojan Horse, which is the symbol of the legendary Trojan War, will welcome you. Alexandria-Troas Port was built around 300 BCE and Saint Paul passed through this city twice in his third expedition to Assos. Behramkale acropolis was built in the 6th century BCE at an altitude of 238 meters above sea level. We recommend that you wander among the ruins of the temple during the full moon and get up early to watch the sunrise over the acropolis. You can observe the entire Edremit Bay from the hill and enjoy this wonderful view. There you can visit the temple of Apollo Smintheus from the 2nd century BCE in the village of Gülpınar (formerly Chryse), 25 km from Behramkale. Kazdağı (Mount Ida) is located at the southernmost of Çanakkale and Kazdağı National Park (Kazdağı Milli Parkı) is home to magnificient scenery, landscape and vegetation. This id the site of the world's first legendary beauty contest, one of the best known scenes of the stories in the Iliad, was held between Aphrodite, Hera and Athena, at Kazdağı in Pınarbaşı. Çanakkale is an area full of magnificent views, historical places, and greenery. You don't need to know any mythology to enjoy the relaxing beauty of Pınarbaşı. Pınarbaşı is rich with springs, lush green trees surrounding picnic areas and refreshing hot springs. Bayramiç and Evciler, located at the northern entrance of Kazdağı National Park, are the main spots for daily camping. Kaklım, Hamdibey, and Akçakoyun are the villages where nature tourism is common. Biga is a good place to see the houses built in traditional style. The closest beaches are in Karabiga, Şahmelek, and Kemer, and Çan district is famous for its ceramics and sulfur resources. There are also hot springs in Külcüler and Kirazlı.