- Universities: 0
- Dormitories: 0

Founded on a deep valley, Bitlis is a natural crossroads on the historical Silk Road. Maintaining its historical texture with castles, mausoleums, tombs, inns, Turkish baths, madrasas and bridges, Bitlis has been a settlement since the Palaeolithic Age. Throughout history the city has been home to a lot of civilizations including the Urartians, Assyrians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Seljuks, İlhanlı and Ottomans. Displaying its historical richness with countless castles, mosques and ruins including Ahlat Tombstones (Ahlat Mezartaşı) that made the Tentative UNESCO World heritage List, and natural beauties with Nemrut Volcano (Nemrut Yanardağı) and Nemrut Crater Lake (Nemrut Krater Gölü), Süphan Mountain (Süphan Dağı) and Lake Van (Van Gölü), Bitlis is a paradise on earth.