Combine mystery heritage with fertile lands and hidden natural beauty The first settlement in the Bilecik dates back to the Prehistoric period, in around 3000 BCE. The city witnessed many civilizations of history: Throughout history, Bilecik was home to Hittites, Phrygians, Cimmerians, Lydians, Persians, Macedonians, Kingdom of Bithynia, The Roman Empire and Byzantium. In addition to this, Bilecik was the place where Ottoman Empire was founded, and it has also played an important role in the establishment of the Republic of Türkiye during the War of Independence. The First Battle of İnönü and the Second Battle of İnönü (two crucial battles of the War of Independence) took place in Bilecik. The historical and archaeological heritage in Bilecik, include mosques, tombs, inns, baths, examples of civil architecture, and similar buildings from the Ottoman period. Bilecik’s cuisine is also famous for its tasty pastry specialties and delicious kebabs. Besides, Bilecik have a potential of wide range ecotourism and agrotourism platform. Kurşunlu Eco and Agro Tourism Village (Kurşunlu Eko Turizm Köyü) and Pazaryeri Kınık Pottery and Eco Tourism Village (Pazaryeri Kınık Çömlekçilik ve Eko Turizm Köyü) welcome their guests with open arms.